【영화】’향수: 어떤 살인자의 이야기’ 감상문

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[Movie] “Perfume: The story of a murderer.” Comment: http://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=52553 Perfume – A certain age &… blog.naver.com [Movie] “Perfume: The story of a murderer.” 感想文http://movie.naver.com/movie/bi/mi/basic.nhn?code=52553 香水 – ある歳&···blog.naver.com

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Patrick Jaskint’s novel “Nostalgia: The Story of a Murderer” was interesting to read after discovering a book that was so old that the cover fell off in the library, but later he fell in love with the book from the beginning that he even kept it. I already knew this novel had been made into a movie, and I wished I could see it someday. First of all, I was curious about the movie when it was released, so I briefly looked at the movie’s evaluation, and I saw a sentence that the content of the movie was quite close to the original, so it was the same as watching it after I knew everything about it. Patrick Jaskint’s novel “Nostalgia: The Story of a Murderer” was interesting to read after discovering a book that was so old that the cover fell off in the library, but later he fell in love with the book from the beginning that he even kept it. I already knew this novel had been made into a movie, and I wished I could see it someday. First of all, I was curious about the movie when it was released, so I briefly looked at the movie’s evaluation, and I saw a sentence that the content of the movie was quite close to the original, so it was the same as watching it after I knew everything about it.





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